1. Jeremy McGuire - nativejeremymc 2. Allison White - allydub14 3. Keith Henderson- keitherk2 4. Memphis Garrett - mixologymemphis 5. Jon Pardy- JonPardyPizza1 6. Haley Luscott aim later! Also, I am on vacation until Monday. I will TRY and get online and get an AIM! 7. Heaven Afrika - afrikabynature 8. Aaryn Gries- aarynisawesome 9. Kenny Brain - Kennysbeard 10. Lisa Donahue - Ldonbbrf 11. Lane Elenburg - TheBeastRnF 12. Kaysar Ridha - KaysarBB 13. Michelle Maradie -riseandfallmaradie 14. Nick Uhas - RnFUhas 15. Benedict Garrett - benedictg2 16. Ryan Quicksall - ryan.quicksall 17. Kathy Hillis - Caramel.Is.Sticky 18. Jordan Lloyd - jordan.lloyd5 19. Alison Irwin - aim later 20.
Sorry for the wait guys. I guess some people don't read their emails? lol. We're gonna give the last person until 12:30AM AUST (10:30AM EST) since that would = 48 hours. If they fail to check in by then, we will replace