I like to think this "choose your noms and veto decision beforehand" twist was created so that we can all stop waiting 23 hours and 59 minutes for Kaysar to make any sort of decision
Last round was an absolute joke. These past two or three rounds is where things crumbled very quickly for me. I felt like I was in a pretty ideal spot hiding where my loyalties lied and it allowed me to play the middle for awhile (or at least pretend to). Buuut then things didn't exactly work out
I'm rooting for Memphis, but I think he made a biiiiiig mistake targeting you instead of backdooring Heaven that round. Heaven was vulnerable week one, then won three vetos, was vulnerable the blackout round unless she was HoH, and was vulnerable one last time when Memphis was HoH. But he nominated....Hayley. That was the third and last time as of now that Heaven has been vulnerable. I thought I was finally gonna get her when I was HoH but then that stupid prize -_- . That was all a disaster but I'm not sure what I could've done differently
I'm almost positive Memphis and Heaven had a side deal at that time and that's why he didn't consider backdooring her...but ugh. That would've been a perfect time and would've changed a ton
I think I had the potential to stay with just about anybody else on the block other than Hayley, but with her next to me, there was no shot. I tried to explain to Memphis that the only reason I targeted him was to keep Benedict in the game to continue his rivalry with Keith and Kaysar, but that didn't work out :/
I wanted to go all the way for the League! . We got roughed up pretty badly haha. I'm praying Memphis or Lane can make it to the end but it's not looking good as usual
Once all the shit started to happen at the end of my HoH week I knew I'd almost certainly be going home this week. It was rough. Every time I logged onto AIM to try to campaign or do anything, the only people on were me, Memphis, and Lane. The other four are hardly ever online. I didn't get a chance to talk to a single voter while I was on the block
I wanted to go all the way for the League! . We got roughed up pretty badly haha. I'm praying Memphis or Lane can make it to the end but it's not looking good as usual
Once all the shit started to happen at the end of my HoH week I knew I'd almost certainly be going home this week. It was rough. Every time I logged onto AIM to try to campaign or do anything, the only people on were me, Memphis, and Lane. The other four are hardly ever online. I didn't get a chance to talk to a single voter while I was on the block
Guys lets think about this...Hayley spends more than 30 mins on every competition...think about that time commitment. She's arguably the only player without a target on her back and...okay who am I kidding...go Heaven...
Guys lets think about this...Hayley spends more than 30 mins on every competition...think about that time commitment. She's arguably the only player without a target on her back and...okay who am I kidding...go Heaven...
Bahaha my love this is why you and I got along so well. Hayley's nice but honestly heaven or lane will get my votes if they get to the end. If not I may literally roll the dice?
So Nick, where were your allegiances? I always felt like the two of us were on the outside, but I figured that Lane, Memphis, Benedict, Jon, and Ryan were all together. Especially when I targeted Ryan, it became obvious. If you were in an alliance with them, you hid it well!
So Nick, where were your allegiances? I always felt like the two of us were on the outside, but I figured that Lane, Memphis, Benedict, Jon, and Ryan were all together. Especially when I targeted Ryan, it became obvious. If you were in an alliance with them, you hid it well!
Yeah I was completely with them haha. I tried to get others to think I was on the outside because I wanted people to question where I stood, but I was very much apart of that group and kinda helped form it with Jon. I had to throw Ryan under the bus big time when you won HoH so that he was targeted over me, and I used that to try to sell that I wasn't with them once all the rumors about the group began to circulate
It worked out for awhile because people came to me with a lot of information, but once the numbers dwindled I just wasn't able to play the middle anymore. Communication dropped a lot with Heaven/Keith/Kaysar around that time (not that it was ever very strong), so I wasn't able to try to continue to sell it