These people so fucking boring and the Boys Next Door (the group name I have for Lane/Memphis/Jon/Benedict/Ryan) are coming after me hot. I'm so bored I just decided to gather an army.
I think there are just so many people it makes everyone lazy to try to talk to people. Hopefully I'm jumpstarting things up cuz these niggas are PIST.
I understand that, but to make a replacement, u arent granted that much time. every HOH has as much time as the veto winner to decide what to do in the event that the veto is used and then should post their decision as soon as they see the results of the ceremony.
-shir, 2014
Every host has as much time as the veto ceremony to get the HoH competition ready and should post it as soon as the eviction results are posted
also TJ trying to ~not choose a side~ and nominating heaven </3 i was like i will save her with tha veto if she doesn't win it herself, and if ryan doesn't go up as a replacement i will SHIT.A.BRICK he's like "i'm going to target allison!!!!" whoop-de-doo.
Kaysar can go tbh. Michelle is much more useful to me.