I don't really have one. At this point I think that Aaryn, Jon, and Lane would be the people most likely to nominate me in the game so I might as well take them out for now.
I think if I do win HoH I will strike a deal with Aaryn and put up Jon/Allison, and preach about communication and shit. I would rather have someone here who might not like me, but I can at least talk to. If I can't talk to someone, I can't save myself if I'm on the block.
My alliances with Heaven and Kaysar are definitely the strongest, and they are besting me at comps right now. I think that Hayley and Kaysar would be my ideal Final 3, but Kaysar might even need to go before that.
Hayley seems trustworthy. Memphis is absolutely the biggest threat left. Lane I think still definitely doesn't trust me so if I win HoH, he's who is going up.
I'm expecting Jon/Aaryn to both be gone by the end of the week. I'd go after Lane personally, because I feel like Memphis would go after Kaysar over me. I'm hoping that one of Kaysar/Heaven is taken out by a hand that isn't me.
I hate getting second in these comps.
Nick is an enigma and no one knows where he stands. Allison is pretty worthless but its clear she's on Memphis' side.
Justin Griffis: yeah nick is playing the middle pretty intensely HEAVEN AFRIKA: dude lol he has to have SPLINTERS on his ass for sitting ont he fence this long Justin Griffis: lmao
Made a VH and Jesus, Heaven has won a shit ton of comps.
If the F7 is Lane, Memphis, Allison, Heaven, Kaysar, Hayley, Keith and I win HoH at F7- is going after Lane really the best idea? He's not good at comps and Memphis/Heaven are huge comp threats.
Memphis is banking on me holding up on my half the deal but ~lol~ idc.