1. Whose gameplay did you respect the most? Memphis 2. What was the funniest moment in the house? Nick's HoH round falling apart entirely 3. Which two houseguests would make a good showmance? Keith and Topaz 4. What was the most shocking moment in the house? Heaven pulling herself off the block with her veto power 5. What was the fatal error you made in the house? Not taking notes for the final challenges that I needed to win 6. What was the worst move of the game? This is difficult for me because it wasn't a bad move at the time, but it turned into the worst possible move he could have made. When Nick nominated Heaven and Keith rather than Heaven and Kaysar. 7. Who needed a reality check? Aaryn 8. Who was the most annoying houseguest? Aaryn 9. Which houseguest deserved their eviction? Jon